Member Benefits
Your interest in the Greater Miami Shores Chamber of Commerce is appreciated. The Chamber is a business advocacy organization representing its member companies and helping increase their business through referrals, education, and other marketing activities.
The Chamber, founded in 1949, currently has over 250 active member businesses. A small, professional staff is overseen by a board of directors chosen from its membership. The organization represents Miami Shores, Biscayne Park, El Portal, Little RIver and its nearby communities.
Dues are payable once a year on the anniversary of each business’ initial involvement and is based upon the number of its employees. Click here to see membership dues and complete a membership application.
Key benefits of membership include:
Networking/B-B Relationship Building:
Monthly member events feature speakers with business and community-building themed programs. Events are a mix of breakfast, luncheon, dinner, or evening mixer formats fostering networking time and opportunities for Business-to -Business participation.
Annual Dinner installs the Board of Directors and Executive Committee.
Citizen of the Year, which celebrates a community member chosen by the Chamber’s board.
Green Day, the Chamber’s Annual Miami Shores Street Fair held each fall is attended by 6,000 area residents. Participating members receive discounted exhibitor fees for the popular event.
- Complimentary listing on the Website business directory which receives an average of 2,000 visitors a month.
- The opportunity to be featured and advertise in the Egret Magazine and E-NewslettersThe Egret is read by nearly 20,000 residents in 6,400 households and businesses throughout Miami Shores, Biscayne Park, El Portal, North Bay Village, The Preserves Townhomes and at numerous community locations.
- Opportunity to use the insert flyer delivery service. Your printed marketing piece can be included in the Egret’s distribution bag.
- Opportunity to sponsor the weekly e-newsletter to our membership and community members (2,500+ email addresses with a 25% average open rate)
- Advertising banner opportunities on the official Website
- Advertising banner and small space promotions in the weekly, e-blast news update.
- Mailing labels of the active membership are available for purchase
Click here for marketing opportunity pricing and more details
Referrals & Advocacy:
- Business referrals from the Chamber
- Advocacy, lobbying, and representation with local, regional, and state government on your behalf
- Community Philanthropy: Chamber members are invited to make an optional non-tax deductible donation to the Chamber’s Scholarship program, which supports a partial college scholarship for a senior at Doctors Charter School (DCS).
Start experiencing the benefits of membership with the Greater Miami Shores Chamber of Commerce!